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English translation for "电流探头"

current probe
injection probe

Related Translations:
探头气体:  probegas
穿刺探头:  ultrasound guided probe
振动探头:  vibration probe
传声器探头:  microphone probe
生物探头:  bioprobe
喷雾探头:  spray probe
测量探头:  measuring sonde
电磁探头:  electromagnetic probe
传感探头:  sensing probesensor prob
铁探头:  ferroprobe
Example Sentences:
1.50 mhz current probe , ac dc
50 mhz电流探头交直流
2.Current probe , ac dc
3.One kind of electromagnetic radiation leakage of computers is conducted emission , with radiation through power wires and signal lines ; the other kind thereof is due to that : magnetic fields produced by signal current of computer processors and displays in equipment may leak through the cable sleeves and be picked up by the current probes clamped on lines , and the signals received may be sent to the specially - made receiver for processing and restoration
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