Qilan ( ilan ) county government is now sponsoring a fishing contest as a creative way to control the population of these scavanger fish 宜兰政府道想出一项钓畚圾鱼耶比赛,倘好一兼二顾,摸蜊仔兼洗裤。
Owners of fishtanks commonly use scavanger fish to clean up the tanks and then release them into the rivers , but these fish reproduce rapidly and start causing damages to the ecology 用水缸饲鱼耶定定有郎饲一尾畚圾鱼专门来呷垃圾仔物了后道给畚圾鱼?入去河川内放刹,结果这寡鱼介爻?种,开始影响著河川耶生态。
After a one - year study , _ qi / lan ( ilan ) environmental coalition and diving association released a joint report with underwater videos showing how visitor trash such as plastic bags is killing the once beautiful coral reefs 宜兰县环保联盟及潜水协会今阿日出一份有水底影片耶报告,发现一年来旅客胡白?塑胶袋仔这款畚圾煞害著海内本来? ?耶珊瑚拢强欲死死去。