English translation for "相位旋转"
- phase rotation
Related Translations:
稳定平衡相位: stable equilibrium phase 相位鉴别: phase discrimination 相位仪: ph phasemeterphase meter
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | This algorithm is based on the 16 - fft about square root decomposition , and using the phase revolution unit replaces multiplication , and uses the serial butterfly operation unit . at last , gives the correspond realization measure in fpga 本文根据一种基于平方根分解的16点fft算法,采用相位旋转因子取代乘法器,并利用串行流水蝴蝶运算单元给出了一种新的实现算法,并介绍了其在fpga中相应的实现方法。 | | 2. | The proposed algorithm outperforms blind linear equalizer ( le ) based on statistical equalization criterion in reducing the mse and compensating for the carrier phase rotation and blind linear decision feedback equalizer ( ldfe ) based on statistical equalization criterion in improving convergent speed 因此,该算法在减小均方误差与补偿相位旋转方面的性能优于基于统计特性均衡准则的线性盲均衡算法;在收敛速度方面的性能优于基于统计特性均衡准则的线性判决反馈盲均衡算法。 | | 3. | For greatly overcoming the carrier phase rotation resulting from multipath underwater acoustic channel and large mean square error ( mse ) at convergent end of linear equalizer ( le ) based on higher order statistics , statistical equalization criterion based blind linear sign decision feedback equalizer ( lsdfe ) was proposed 摘要为了克服多途水声信道引起信号的相位旋转及基于高阶统计量的线性均衡器( le )收敛后均方误差大的不足,提出了基于统计特性均衡准则的线性符号判决反馈盲均衡算法。 | | 4. | In this proposed algorithm , the phase rotation can be compensated using higher order statistics , nonlinear transform of equalizer outputs , and decision feedback algorithm , the faster convergent speed can be obtained by introducing sign algorithm , and the mse can be reduced via employing decision feedback equalization algorithm 该算法充分利用高阶统计量所包含的相位信息、均衡器输出信息的非线性变换及判决反馈算法来补偿相位旋转;利用符号算法可以减少计算量的特点来加快收敛速度;利用判决反馈滤波器的性能来减小均衡器输出的均方误差。 |
- Similar Words:
- "相位谐振" English translation, "相位信号" English translation, "相位型光栅" English translation, "相位性日间变化" English translation, "相位修正器" English translation, "相位旋转继电器" English translation, "相位旋转偏移" English translation, "相位旋转器" English translation, "相位旋转指示器" English translation, "相位选择" English translation