English translation for "睡眠过度"
- hypersomnia
Related Translations:
睡眠词汇: provincial bird flu prevention leading group 睡眠障碍: dyscoimesisdyssomniarem (rapid eye movement)sleep disorderssleep disturbancesleep-disordersleeping disturbancesomnipathysomnopathy
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | He no longer abused himself with short sleep , overwork , and overstudy 他不再用短促的睡眠过度的工作和刻苦的学习来折磨自己了。 | | 2. | These include a pervasive feeling of sadness , disruption of sleep patterns including both insomnia and hypersomnia , disturbances in appetite and weight , listlessness , lack of interest ( leading to withdrawal from friends and social events ) , diminished ability in memory and concentration , low self - esteem and feelings of guilt , and finally , thoughts of suicide - the most serious symptom of all 症状包括长时间的情绪低落、睡眠不规律(包括失眠及睡眠过度) 、食欲不振及体重减轻、无精打采、缺乏兴趣(导致疏远朋友、回避社会活动) 、记忆力衰退、无法集中注意力、缺乏自信和负罪感,最终则会出现自杀的念头这是忧郁症最严重的症状。 |
- Similar Words:
- "睡眠分期" English translation, "睡眠分析混合计算机" English translation, "睡眠粉" English translation, "睡眠盖" English translation, "睡眠惯性、睡眠迟惰" English translation, "睡眠过度-食欲过盛综合征" English translation, "睡眠过度-睡眠呼吸暂停" English translation, "睡眠过度,嗜睡" English translation, "睡眠过度性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征" English translation, "睡眠过多" English translation