English translation for "福祸"
- weal and woe
Related Translations:
祸: Ⅰ名词(祸事; 灾难) misfortune; disaster; calamity 短语和例子车祸 traffic [road] accident; 大祸临头 disaster strikes; 惹祸 cause troubleⅡ动词(损害) bring disaster upon; ruin 天祸: invaders from marsinvadersa rom mars 祸兮: misfortune that is where happiness depends happiness that is where misfortune underlies 惹的祸: db productiondjkkremixmuch ado about nothing
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | One's happiness must in some measure be always at the mercy of chance . 一个人的福祸得失在某种程度上总得由机遇摆布。 | | 2. | We are constrained , however , and that is both a blessing and a curse 但是我们的羁绊很多,而这本身福祸参半。 | | 3. | The second is that the bible and the koran will continue to exercise a dramatic influence over human events , for both good and ill 其二,无论福祸好坏, 《圣经》与《 * * * 》将继续对人类活动产生重大影响。 | | 4. | A gritty story , the film is a powerful thriller , with strong emphasis on style , suave cutting techniques , effects , and urbane production values 为了报答祖,刚每行动都竭尽所能识英雄重英雄,祖也视为自己的亲兄弟,福祸同当,无分彼此。 | | 5. | State of war and sovereignty states are the two opposite ends of the spectrum of hobbesian predicament . ( 3 ) a critical - oriented political education , which advances by and to everyone in the society to identify the harmful capacities of fear and pride and to transform them into the beneficial ones , provides a reliable way to deliver from hobbesian predicament and to open the gate to a possible better political order 自然状态犹如群居生活中的原色,只有深浅之分,而无存灭之实,人群生活之样貌与福祸,便在自然状态与政府治理之两端持续拉扯起伏,其中的关键力量在于每个人的恐惧与骄傲是否获得内外在力量的掌握,宛如利维坦之双足,须协调一致,始能稳立而成巨大的骄傲之王。 |
- Similar Words:
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