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English translation for "种族灭绝罪"

verbrechen n.der rassenausrottung

Related Translations:
种族:  race 短语和例子种族平等 racial equality; 种族分化 raciation; 种族改良 eugenics; 种族隔离 racial segregation; apartheid; 种族隔离法 the ghetto act; 种族灭绝 genocide; 种族灭绝政策 policy of genocide; 种族偏见 racial prejudice; 种族
很有可能更多的动物将要灭绝:  if we do not create nature reserves more animal species will probably become extinct
种族调查:  racial investigation
种族判断:  race comparison
沿海种族:  inshore race
种族暴乱:  race-riot
种族屠杀:  genocide
种族认同:  ethnic identityracial identity
种族改良:  eugenics
多元种族:  multiethnic
Example Sentences:
1.U . n . ' s international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia already has convicted a number of individuals for war crimes , including genocide , during the war in bo ia
2.U . n . ' s international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia already has convicted a number of individuals for war crimes , including genocide , during the war in bosnia
3.U . n . ' s international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia already has convicted a number of individuals for war crimes , including genocide , during the war in bosnia
4.They were instrumental in the adoption of the 1997 convention banning landmines and the establishment in 1998 of an international criminal court to deal with genocide , war crimes and crimes against humanity
5.Moreno - ocampo found no evidence to substantiate a charge of genocide , defined in the court ' s statutes as an “ intent to destroy , in whole or in part , a national , ethical , racial or religious group ” , or a crime against humanity , defined as “ a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population ”
法院规约中,种族灭绝罪是指“对一个国家、民族、种族或宗教团体的整体或部分进行蓄意摧毁” ,反人类则是指“直接针对任意平民展开的大规模、系统性的攻击” 。
Similar Words:
"种族蔑称" English translation, "种族灭绝" English translation, "种族灭绝的" English translation, "种族灭绝行为" English translation, "种族灭绝政策" English translation, "种族民族主义" English translation, "种族名称" English translation, "种族内部分裂" English translation, "种族内交配" English translation, "种族排斥" English translation