English translation for "稳定功能"
- firm power energy
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | On the family ' s functions on social stability 试论家庭的社会稳定功能 | | 2. | Meditation helps to maintain a more balanced and stable physiological functioning . this , in effect , brings about significant changes in the long - standing aberrant behavior patterns of drug abusers 打坐可以帮助维持生理的平衡及稳定功能,对于滥用药物所引起长期行为异常的犯人,产生重要的改变。 | | 3. | Due to its character of service function and benefit - granting action of government , administration presentation has the positive function such as to maintain society ' s fair and justice , to allot benefit , and to stabilize society 摘要行政给付属于政府的服务功能和授益行政行为,因而具有若干积极功能,如社会公平正义纷繁功能、利益分配功能、社会稳定功能等。 | | 4. | In the 1st chapter , we introduce the significance of the title , and the status quo of macro tax regulation and control since reform and opening up , and then look back to the tax reforms and tax and expending policies which our country has put in force , ultimately we give the motive and the content of this paper 五、对财政政策在经济周期中的作用进行计量检验。通过估计模型并计算得到我国税收收入的自动稳定功能的大小,以及我国财政态势。利用上述方法,估计模型并计算得到我国各个税种的自动稳定器作用的大小,结论认为我国的增值税自动稳定功能最强。 | | 5. | Social capital has become a common notion in social sciences , as sociology , economics , politics and anthropology , etc . it is a reflection of comprehensiveness and relation orientation of contemporary sociological theory . so social capital concept and theory is suitable for the study of chinese society , which has been regarded as the characteristic of relationship and ethic orientation . chapter two reviews the studies on social capital theories in following aspects : origin and revolution of social capital concept , traits and functions , research fields , operation mechanism and measurement of social capital 第二章从社会资本的概念、特征、研究领域、功能、运行机制及其测量等方面对社会资本理论作了较为详尽和系统的述评,并简要评述了社会资本理论研究中存在的主要问题:首先,对社会资本的定义过于狭隘;其次,许多研究聚焦于社会资本的经济功能,而对于其社会支持和社会稳定功能及其自身的目的性重视不够;第三,许多研究在方法论上表现出过于追求定量分析的倾向。 | | 6. | It is viewed as a new development to marx ' s theory of party building and a new theoretical weapon of the party building in the new period the thought of " three representatives " has seven functions ; guidance - inspiration , instruction - integration , consolidation - stabilization , mobilization - organization , warning - standardization , evaluation and image creation “三个代表”重要思想具有七大功能:导向激励功能,教化整合功能,巩固稳定功能,动员组织功能,警戒规范功能,评价功能,形象塑造功能。 | | 7. | On the research object , this study expands the definition of social capital and criticizes the studies of social capital in economic perspective . the author pays attention not only to the functions of social capital for the development of economy and society , but also to the functions of social capital for social stability and social support between people . as for the perspective of the study , the author analyzes the situations and the problems in different levels of social capital in rural community from various aspects , such as social capital carriers , forms , roles , traits , and factors that would bring impact on social capital 在研究对象上,本研究扩展了社会资本的含义,批判和超越了经济学意义上社会资本研究的局限,除了关注社会资本的经济、社会发展功能外,也关注社会资本的社会稳定功能和社会支持功能;在研究视角上,从社会资本的载体、表现形式、作用、特征和影响因素等不同视角分析了农村社区各层次社会资本的状况及其存在的问题,并提出了一些提高农村社区社会资本存量的策略。 |
- Similar Words:
- "稳定工资" English translation, "稳定工作――偶尔吃一顿麦当劳" English translation, "稳定工作状态" English translation, "稳定功率" English translation, "稳定功率极限" English translation, "稳定公约有组织犯罪倡议" English translation, "稳定箍缩" English translation, "稳定估计" English translation, "稳定灌浆" English translation