English translation for "索弗里蒂"
- soffritti
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Dr . morando soffritti , who led the study for the bologna - based european ramazzini foundation , also assailed the u . s . study , saying that it was an example of how " some researchers are ready to put themselves at the disposal of the industry " that produces sweeteners . he contended the u . s . research did n ' t distinguish between aspartame and other sweetener use and did not measure lifetime sweetener use 位于意大利博洛尼亚的欧洲拉马奇尼基金会的莫兰多索弗里蒂博士指责美国人在研究中并未对阿斯巴甜和其它种类的甜味剂加以区分,而且也没有计算一个人终生食用甜味剂的数量。 |
- Similar Words:
- "索弗拉诺夫,阿纳托尔" English translation, "索弗拉泰夫公司" English translation, "索弗雷迪" English translation, "索弗雷迪尼" English translation, "索弗里" English translation, "索弗龙诺夫" English translation, "索弗龙诺娃" English translation, "索弗罗尼" English translation, "索弗罗尼奥" English translation, "索弗罗诺夫" English translation