English translation for "组合函数"
- composite function
Related Translations:
组合: 1.(组织成为整体) make up; compose; constitute 短语和例子这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。 this collection is made up of three parts: poems, essays and short stories.2.(组织起来的整体) association; combination3.[数学]
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Taking advantage of the higher - order combinatorial functions that a functional programming language like haskell allows , you can arbitrarily combine multiple filters in specifying output 利用象haskell函数性编程语言中允许的高阶组合函数,您可以在指定的输出中任意组合多个过滤器。 | | 2. | For example nonlinearity , algebraic degree , correlation immunity , etc . basing on the method of hill climbing and the properties of boolean function , an algorithm , which is better than hc algorithm , named ihc is gave out to improve the design of nonlinearity of boolean functions . by analyzing the output and input sequences of a nonlinear combined generator , we also give out an algorithm ( lhc ) to evolve the correlation from a random function to a very lower one 本文研究了hillclimbing算法以及布尔函数非线性度的性质,对hillclimbing算法进行改进,提高了该方法下对布尔函数非线性度的优化设计;通过研究非线性组合生成器中驱动序列和输出序列之间的关系,基于hillclimbing方法,本文进一步提出了改善非线性组合序列相关性指标( f )的组合函数f ( x )的优化设计算法lhc 。 |
- Similar Words:
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