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English translation for "组项"

group entry
group item

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词1.(颈的后部) nape (of the neck) 短语和例子颈项 neck2.(款项) sum (of money) 短语和例子进项 income; 欠项 liabilities; 用项 items of expenditure; expenditures3.[数学] (不用加、减号连接的单式) term 短语和例子同类项 similar terms; 外项 e
Example Sentences:
1.The array of objects to set as the items of the array
2.Adds a group of items to the list of items for a
的项列表添加一组项。 (从
3.Tab , the toolbox displays two groups of items
选项卡中工作时, “工具箱”将显示两组项
4.Tab , the toolbox displays three groups of items
选项卡中工作时, “工具箱”将显示三组项
5.The default implementation returns the item type of the array
6.Represents a group of items displayed within a
7.To add a set of items to the combo box it is best to use the
8.The data type of the items in the array
9.For the bar that separates groups of items in the left side of the start
10.Two groups : platinum and gold necklace , bracelet , earrings , ring , tiepin
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