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 短语和例子   an H-beam steel H形钢条。 an H-Post H形电杆。 drop one's h's 不发h音〔如伦敦方言中把 hat 读...  detail>>
h and
硬化的和回火的  detail>>
that t h a t that
我们还要学习用连词  detail>>
h h-steel, h-beam
宽缘工字钢  detail>>
class h insulation h
类绝缘  detail>>
gee-h g-h
导航系统  detail>>
h h cheng
程显华  detail>>
h h sparso
赫赫斯巴瑟  detail>>
h-armature h
型电枢  detail>>
h-bar h
字型钢  detail>>
h-branch h
分支  detail>>
h-cable h
型电缆  detail>>
h-class insulation h
类绝缘材料  detail>>
h-coupling h
型耦合  detail>>
h-display h
型显示器  detail>>
h-engine h
形发动机  detail>>
h-filter h
型滤波器  detail>>
h-girder h
型桁  detail>>