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English translation for "莫逆之交"

friends with complete mutual understanding; an intimate friendship; become the firmest of friends; be on the best of terms; bosom friends; damon and pythias; david and jonathan; one's intimate friend
Example Sentences:
1.He and the young musician became lifelong friends .
2.They are milk friends .
3.You are the best friend i have in the world and the noblest .
4.The two boys were sworn friends all the weekdays, and embattled enemies on saturdays .
5.The fact that he gives you such sensitive documents suggests that you are still close friends .
6.Who else could have been on terms of intimate friendship with two writers as immensely unlike as mark twain and henry james ?
7.A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us
8.Suspicion is the poison of true friendship
9.A couple ofthem called it " david and goliath , " but none ofthem said that
有两个人说是"莫逆之交" ,但没人说那些话
10.In such toys and trifles as the captain directed me to buy . this 40 l
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