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English translation for "行行出状元"

one may distinguish himself in any trade.; every trade has its master.; in any profession there is some one who excels all the rest.; every profession produces its own leading authority

Related Translations:
状元:  1.(科举时代的一种称号) number one scholar (title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination)2.(本行业中成绩最好的) the very best 短语和例子行行出状元。 every profession produces its own to
状元及第:  trouble on the wedding night
本地状元:  the local scholar
武状元:  letter to daddylxbrsuper power
状元丸:  tranquillizing pill
小状元:  siu chong yuen
功夫状元:  gong fu zhuang yuan
地道状元:  native scholar
摩登状元:  back to school
整人状元:  lawyer lawyer
Example Sentences:
1.Every profession produces its own topmost master ..
2.It is difficult to say which is the better trade. one can become the master of his trade provided he is diligent and tries hard .
3.Every profession produces its own leading authority
4.Every profession produces its own best
5.The real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job ; that you can best get to the top by getting to the bottom of things
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