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English translation for "表示悔意"

expressing contrition

Related Translations:
无悔:  never regret
失悔:  regret; be remorseful
不悔:  no regret
教悔:  doctrine
掉悔:  discontent and regret ambition and repining
悔暗:  eclipse
悔坏:  ruin
冲悔:  ballistic pendulum
莫悔:  fkeerr
无悔今生:  love, marymy left foot
Example Sentences:
1.Don ' t wait for him to say sorry because he doesn ' t like to apologise . and in case he wants to express regret , he will do it indirectly
2.Whether the party complained against has shown remorse during the course of the investigation by co - operating fully with the pco , taking appropriate remedial actions , etc
3.You have made . . i have made many mistakes yet gods mercy is evident . he has blessed me with the opportunities to express my remorse to the victims families and some have extended forgiveness
我在这里的第一个圣诞节,收到你们的爱的礼物盒,我犯了许多过错神的怜悯却再明显不过, ?赐福我,使我有机会向受害者的家属表示悔意,他们也有的表示饶恕。
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