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English translation for "表示遗憾"

bedauern über etw .dagegen haben
expre regret
to express regret

Related Translations:
遗憾临界值:  regret critical value
表示:  show; express; mean; indicate; expression; presentation; signifying; remark; representation 短语和例子表示不服罪 plead not guilty; plead unguilty; 表示服罪 plead guilty; 表示愤慨 express one's indignation;
表示服务:  presentation services
表示歉意:  offer an apologyexpress one's regret
表示欢迎:  make sb. welcome
数量表示:  quantitaes
公式表示:  formulation
求爱表示:  courtship display
虚伪表示:  simulatio
网络表示:  network representation
Example Sentences:
1.We proffered regrets at having to leave so early .
2.He motioned with an apologetic gesture toward the room he had left .
3.Michie, then, must be kept out, but with smiles and regrets instead of the blows and kicks which were his due .
4.In 1962, the general assembly deplored the failure of south africa to comply with the repeated requests and demands of the assembly and the security council, and asked member states to break off diplomatic relations with south africa, boycott south africa goods .
5.Then i would have felt sorry for the dear lord
6.Well , i am , uh - i ' m sorry about your . situation
7.I need hardly add that we regret your decision
8.China expresses regret over eu , us automobile trade issue
9.Meanwhile , i can only ask you to accept my apologies
10.I fell sorry to kill some of the hostages
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