English translation for "裸片"
- bare chip
bare die die
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The accelerometer which has simple fabricated process and high sensitivity and small parasitic capacitance and residual stress is hybrid integrated with the interface circuit using ic nude chip . so the density of the package is increased , and the noise of the sensing system is decreased . these found the base of capacitive accelerometer module using the mcm method 该传感器制作工艺简单,灵敏度高,支撑梁采用u型,减小了刻蚀后的残余应力,用玻璃作为衬底,减小了衬底和硅可动质量块间的寄生电容,且把传感器芯片和用ic裸片制作的接口电路集成在一起,提高了封装密度,减小了传感器系统的噪声,为采用mcm技术制作电容式加速度传感器模块打下了基础。 |
- Similar Words:
- "裸镍堆焊丝" English translation, "裸镍铬线" English translation, "裸女" English translation, "裸女杂志" English translation, "裸排水量" English translation, "裸片,素片,不包衣的片" English translation, "裸片叠层" English translation, "裸片分类器" English translation, "裸奇点" English translation, "裸器锈孢子" English translation