It is expected that this event will attract many spectators and wide media coverage 届时定必吸引众多观众进场观赏和各大传媒的采访。
I must add that the fair is indeed very well - organized and the layout very efficient and easy for visitors 我必须补充的是,这次展会确实有效组织和安排了观众进场。
Basic charge for each screening including time allowance for admission for a period not exceeding 2 and a half hours with the services listed in 每次租用时间,包括观众进场时间在内,不逾2小时30分,包括
The leisure and cultural services department reserves the right to suspend or terminate admission into the carnival site due to prevailing condition of the venue 康乐及文化事务署保留因应场地情况而暂停或停止让观众进场的权利,请尽量使用交通工具,并留意特别交通措施。