As the comet can reach the orbit of jupiter , its own orbit is prone to change by jupiter s gravitation . in fact , the comet has been ripped into pieces by this immense force , and may vanish completely in a few decades time 由于这颗彗星远日点在木星轨道附近,因此常受木星引力的影响而改变轨道,现时已被撕裂成数十块,数十年后,这颗彗星恐怕便会灰飞烟灭。
Some asteroids , despite their small size , possess satellites of their own . a handful of others suffer serious perturbations by major planets and travel in highly eccentric orbits , which can send them well beyond the orbit of jupiter . the so - called near - earth asteroids cross the earth s orbit and make occasional close calls to our home planet 有些小行星体积虽小,但竟然拥有卫星而有些小行星,由于受到其他大行星的强烈摄动,轨道为极狭长的椭圆,远日点甚至延伸至木星的轨道以外近地小行星则会越过地球的轨道,不时在我们的庭园掠过,偷窥地球的一切,若有天真的登门造访旄轰!
Some asteroids , despite their small size , possess satellites of their own . a handful of others suffer serious perturbations by major planets and travel in highly eccentric orbits , which can send them well beyond the orbit of jupiter . the so - called near - earth asteroids cross the earth s orbit and make occasional close calls to our home planet 有些小行星体积虽小,但竟然拥有卫星;而有些小行星,由于受到其他大行星的强烈摄动,轨道为极狭长的椭圆,远日点甚至延伸至木星的轨道以外;近地小行星则会越过地球的轨道,不时在我们的庭园掠过,偷窥地球的一切,若有天真的登门造访旄轰!