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English translation for "远离尘世"

remote from life

Related Translations:
纷扰尘世中:  girls and girls, but you're the one
远离:  far away; aloof 短语和例子远离家乡 far away from one's native village; 居住在远离这儿的地方 live far away from here; 这小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯地远离人群。 the girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd
远离家园:  far and away
远离梦想:  beyond my dreams
远离愤怒:  don’t let anger get the best of you
远离汽车站:  far from the bus stop
远离越南:  loin du vietnam
远离尘嚣:  escapefar from the madding crowd
远离点:  point of distance
远离恐惧:  fearless
Example Sentences:
1.Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm .
2.In that retired spot my brother and i talked much together
3.Jeremy : and , sometimes you wonder why you stayed away so long
4.In this manner i used to look upon my condition with the utmost regret
5.The beautiful mountains with lots of wilderness made me feel that i was in another world
6.He experienced a sense of aloofness from everything earthly , and a strange and joyous lightness in his being
7.God said , “ no , suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me ”
上帝说: “不,苦难能够使你远离尘世的纷扰,让你(的心灵)更加靠近我。 ”
8.There among the hills we lived in a small house in complete retirement , doing everything for ourselves
9.During zhengtong period , ming dynasty , peking eminent monk bitian passed by , he visited the temple and found it really a good place for resting and cultivating morality
10.This is a land where ancient rice - terrace amphitheatres lie concealed in thick mountains , and thousands of far - flung islands lie in wait for the intrepid explorer ' s beach towel
Similar Words:
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