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English translation for "远离尘嚣"

far from the madding crowd

Related Translations:
远离:  far away; aloof 短语和例子远离家乡 far away from one's native village; 居住在远离这儿的地方 live far away from here; 这小女孩在晚会上一直胆怯地远离人群。 the girl kept herself timidly aloof from the crowd
远离家园:  far and away
远离梦想:  beyond my dreams
远离愤怒:  don’t let anger get the best of you
远离汽车站:  far from the bus stop
远离越南:  loin du vietnam
远离点:  point of distance
远离恐惧:  fearless
远离火源:  keefire away
远离热源:  keeaway from heat
Example Sentences:
1.The ancient incas built this city high amongst the peruvian clouds in one of the most remote locations on earth
古代印加人将这座秘鲁城市建在云雾缭绕的地方? ?建到了世上最远离尘嚣的所在。
2.The school campus 1 . the school campus , spacious ( 23 hectares ) , lush , quiet , faraway from the noisy city , provides the ideal place to study
3.There was no way through it , and the front windows of the doctor s lodgings commanded a pleasant little vista of street that had a congenial air of retirement on it
4.All the guest rooms in different sizes will protect you far from hubbub , yet provide you with timely commercial information through prompt internet . a place of success and enjoyment
5.Gold sage is unique because it is so well situated to be near society but not quite in it . i believe everything that we can learn together can be shared with other people as well
6.This retreat provided spiritual practitioners a much cherished opportunity to turn inward in a pure and supportive environment , away from the hustle of their daily activities and accompanying demands
7.Red leaf valley is a section of the balian stream famed for its unspoiled beauty . in fall , the leaves turn red - hence the name - making the valley resemble a classical japanese landscape
8.We can only be very grateful to have a holy place like this , permeated by master s grace and blessing , where we can retreat from the world into the privacy of our surroundings , and bathe in god s infinite light and love
9.It is also a place where people come to recharge their batteries , a welcome reprieve from the business of the world . guests come in stressed and leave refreshed , and that is a much more than a typical restaurant can offer
10.The first four - day retreat in pacet - a very nice area , up in the mountains , cool and far from the world s pollution - attracted fellow practitioners from surabaya , jakarta and bali . it so happened that the chinese and moslem new year was celebrated at the same time
Similar Words:
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