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English translation for "遥控开关"

rcs remote control switch
remote local toggle switch
remote switch

Related Translations:
遥控线:  remote line
遥控箱:  remote-control box
遥控组件:  remote control module
机械遥控:  mechanical remote control
遥控瞄准:  remote-control laying
遥控布雷:  remote-control mine-laying
自动化遥控:  automatic remote control
枢纽遥控:  remote control of a junction terminal
共振遥控:  sympathetic telecontrol
遥控显示:  remote display
Example Sentences:
1.Remote control relays and remote control switches
2.The design of intelligent teleswitch circuit
3.Application of mn4017 chip in
4.Rcs switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - particular requirements - remote - control switches
5.Rcs switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - part 2 : particular requirements ; section 2 : remote - control switches
家用和类似固定电气装置用开关.第2 - 2部分:遥控开关
6.Built in 25 min timer , can be disabled if not needed . pneumatic remote on off switch . separate 12 v signal light
内置25分钟时计,气动式遥控开关掣,分开安装的12 v的讯号灯,可选择内置数码式控制器。
7.Rcs switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - part 2 : particular requirements - section 2 : remote - control switches
8.Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - electronic switches , electromagnetic remote control switches , time delay switches
9.Rcs switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - part 2 : particular requirements - section 2 : electromagnetic remote - control switches
10.Rcs switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - part 2 : particular requirements - section 2 : electromagnetic remote - control switches
Similar Words:
"遥控接头" English translation, "遥控截击" English translation, "遥控紧急阀门关断装置" English translation, "遥控开闭" English translation, "遥控开闭操作" English translation, "遥控开关,遥控键" English translation, "遥控开关阀" English translation, "遥控开关系统" English translation, "遥控开关箱" English translation, "遥控可变光阑" English translation