English translation for "阿贺野川"
- agano gawa
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | 17th hkiff alerted the world to the consequences of industrial mercury pollution and its effect on inhabitants . after ten years , its director returns to find many of the characters he documented gone , having passed away from the minamata disease or old age as years went by 踏著小川绅介的纪实传统,佐藤真的摄制队曾走到阿贺野川,与深受水源污染之苦的村民生活三年,拍成作品阿贺河畔生涯17届。 |
- Similar Words:
- "阿赫滕" English translation, "阿赫滕哈根" English translation, "阿赫滕苏" English translation, "阿贺" English translation, "阿贺野" English translation, "阿贺野市" English translation, "阿贺野型轻巡洋舰" English translation, "阿贺町" English translation, "阿黑" English translation, "阿黑马公司" English translation