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English translation for "陈欣"

chen xin

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ形容词(喜悦) glad; happy; joyful 短语和例子欢欣 happy; joyful; 欣逢佳节 on the happy occasion of the festival; 欣欣自得 proud and self-satisfiedⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子欣时 xin shi
Example Sentences:
1.Artist name : chan , yan kin
2.Male artist chan , yan kin
3.After the vietnam war , chow comes to hong kong and works as a professional killer
4.The elder sister falls in love with a married dentist , in whose clinic her younger sister works . the younger sister , a good friend of the dentist wife , objects her sister s affair with the dentist
5.Chen , x . , wu , h . , chen , h . , wang , l . , & cen . g . ( 200l ) . parefital affect , guidance and power assertion and aggressive behavior in chinese children . parelltingf science and practice , l , l59 - 183
《对学生学习成绩与社会行为的交叉滞后分析》 (陈会昌、王秋虎、陈欣银合著) , 《心理学报》 , 2001年。
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