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English translation for "韦驮菩萨"


Related Translations:
:  驮名词(牲口所负载的货物) a load carried by a pack-animal; pack
驮兽:  beast of burden
缚驮:  also an abbrev. for
驮原:  dahara
驮着:  bear 1
驮鞍:  packing saddlepacksaddle
驮大:  tada
贺驮:  kada
驮赁:  dachin
驮桶:  tuo tong
Example Sentences:
1.Weituo also felt tired when he carried the well to run back to the mountain
2.Buddhism weituo was a responsible buddhism , he will do as he says
3.When weituo was drinking , he said , really nice water , good well
韦驮菩萨要成就因缘,喝一口,夸一句: “这水真甜,好井! ”
4.The mani mantra sheet i wrote may be burned to gain help from bodhisattva wei tuo
5.He has confidence and patience . but who can come here at night ? there happened came a young man
6.He didnt want to break the law , so he waited beside the well to ask for their agreement
7.After that young man left , he used his magic weapon to carry the well , rushed back to the temple
8.Theres a folk adage , weituo gave the cock a lesson , and then they never cry at noon time and midnight
9.Weituo can make sure sakyamunis bone ash and spirit tablet were safe , then he decided to settle water matter at this time
10.Weituo carried well one time , not only help the monks who live in the temple , but also help the people who passed front mountain
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