| 1. | " as the virus has become endemic , it cannot be eliminated altogether 发言人说:由于禽流感已经成为一种风土病,要消灭是不可能的。 |
| 2. | " we need to take every possible means to prevent dengue fever from becoming an endemic disease 我们必须采取所有可行的方法,预防登革热成为风土病。 |
| 3. | Dengue fever is endemic in many subtropical and tropical areas , especially in southeast asia and latin america 登革热是亚热带及热带地区的风土病,在东南亚及拉丁美洲特别流行。 |
| 4. | Foot - and - mouth disease is an endemic disease in local pigs for over 50 years and it occurs during the winter months (三)在过去五十年来,口蹄病一直是本地猪只的风土病,而且会在冬季出现。 |
| 5. | The disease was first recognized in eastern africa in the 1950s . the disease is endemic in many parts of the tropics 此病于一九五零年代在非洲东部首次被发现,现时已成为很多热带地区的风土病。 |
| 6. | " cholera is endemic in asian pacific region and occurs usually during summer months . occasional outbreaks were also found , " he added 他说霍乱在亚太地区属风土病,通常于天热炎热时发生,聚集性的爆发亦偶有出现。 |
| 7. | This is found in tropical and sub - tropical regions around the world . for instance , dengue fever is an endemic illness in many countries in south east asia 登革热常见于热带及亚热带地区,例如在邻近的东南亚国家,登革热已成为一种风土病。 |
| 8. | Noting that typhoid fever is endemic in hong kong , dr tsang said the monthly notification of typhoid fever varied from zero to 11 cases in the past two years 曾医生表示伤寒是本地的风土病,过去两年来,伤寒的每月呈报数字由0至11宗不等。 |
| 9. | They are going to take ducks and geese but ducks and geese are carriers of h5n1 . i think the public should not worry about the chickens they consume ?生福利及食物局局长:我已说过很多次,现时禽流感在鸡只中已成为风土病,会有个别的个案出现。 |
| 10. | Typhoid , paratyphoid , dysentery , polio , viral hepatitis and food poisoning are endemic in the area , and there are periodic outbreaks of cholera 伤寒,副伤寒,痢疾,小儿麻痹症,病毒性肝炎,食物中毒是这个地方的风土病,而且霍乱疫症也会时常爆发。 |