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English translation for "饱和盐水"

saturated brine
saturated salt water

Related Translations:
盐水土豆:  salted potato
饱和甲烷:  saturated methane
饱和怜:  saturated flowsaturatedflow
饱和勘探:  saturation prospecting
光电流饱和:  saturation of photoelectric current
饱和覆盖:  saturated coverage
饱和法:  saturation method
饱和反应器:  saturating reactor
饱和模型:  saturated model
扩散饱和:  diffusion saturationdiffusion saturtion
Example Sentences:
1.Three - sulfonated - polymer - saturated - brine mud
2.Unsaturated salt water drilling fluid
3.Using the rock resistivity meter with simulating in - situ conditions , the relations between rock resistivity and temperature were observed from 6 sandstone samples with different porosity and permeability , while samples were brine water - saturated and subjected to certain confining pressure . it is found that the resistivities of water - saturated rock samples decrease in the form of power expression with the temperature increase . although the resistivity of brine water decreases with temperature in the same rule , it can not entirely account for the decreasing of rock resistivity . the cementation factor
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