Aaon is an active optical network where atm is adopted to transmit broadband and narrowband cells on the optical ring via the sdh frame structure . the service node interface is stm - n 宽带有源光网络采用atm传送技术,利用sdh帧结构在光纤传输环上传送各种宽带和窄带业务的信元,业务节点接口采用stm - n接口。
Apon is a passive optical network where atm is adopted to transmit broadband and narrowband cells via the sdh frame structure . the service node interface is stm - n . the statistical multiplexing feature of atm enables a concentrated transmission of broadband services in apon Apon是在无源光网络中采用atm传送技术,利用sdh帧结构传送各种宽带和窄带业务的信元,业务节点接口采用stm - n接口。