| 1. | There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers . 事业上没有高低贵贱之分。 |
| 2. | Were there degrees of lying ? 扯谎有轻重之分吗? |
| 3. | It is difficult to say which is the better trade. one can become the master of his trade provided he is diligent and tries hard . 行业没有高低之分,只要自己努力,三十六行,行行出状元。 |
| 4. | In small-scale farming, on the other hand, the principal object is subsistence. production is diversified among field crops and animal products . 另一方面,小规模的农场以维持生活为主要目的,生产有大田作物和畜产品之分。 |
| 5. | Although views have softened, men who cross the sexual segregation line in the job market may still face discrimination and ridicule . 看法虽然不那么刻板了,在就业市场上,超越男女之分这条界线的男性还可能遭受到白眼和嘲笑。 |
| 6. | Problem - based learning has broad and narrow sense 研究性学习有广义和狭义之分。 |
| 7. | So perhaps there are good and bad ponzi schemes 所以说庞式计划可能也有好坏之分。 |
| 8. | He taught that wars can be just or unjust 他教导说:战争有正义和非正义之分。 |
| 9. | Credit has its broad sense and narrow sense 信用( credit )有广义和狭义之分。 |
| 10. | There is no enemies among human beings 人类与人类之间是没有敌人与伙伴之分的 |