[ qīnzhèng ] (of a sovereign) take over the reins of government upon coming of age
Example Sentences:
The last reigning empress was gosakuramachi who assumed the throne in 1763 最后一位亲政的女皇是1763年登基的后?町天皇。
In the meantime , his closest supporters planned to sabotage peace and those who opposed his personal rule 在此期间则由他的亲信设法破坏和谈,搞臭那些反对他亲政的人。
It appears that the chief executive would rather risk his public support to strengthen his support from the pro - government camp 董先生宁愿丧失公众支持,也要巩固来自亲政府团体的支持。
There are currently some 20 , 000 refugees living there , having fled from the violence of militia loyal to the government 这是一个位于达尔富尔西部的小村庄,现时有约两万名难民滞留该村,都是为躲避亲政府武装分子的暴行。
But in russia there was much enthusiastic talk in the pro - government media about sco ' s emergence as a counterweight to nato 但是在俄罗斯亲政府的媒体上有许多关于“上合组织”正成为北约( nato )的平衡力量的热情洋溢的讨论。
Unfortunately , pro - government parties or individuals that have received most of the appointed seats in the past have been in favour of retaining the appointment system 相反,获委任最多议席的亲政府党派及个别人士则表示支持区议会委任制度。
After re - establishing his reputation with a string of profitable comedies and erotic tales , li han - hsiang earned the right to again make the historical epic he loved . lavishing a considerable budget on the palace set , he fabricated a grand , majestic backdrop for his intimate portrayal of late qing political intrigue , creating the suffocating , gloomy mood of an empire about to fall apart 光绪狄快将亲政,但上有跋扈顽固的慈禧太后卢燕,下则群臣昏庸满朝最要风得风的是太监李莲英苗天,敢作敢为的只有小太监姜大卫与年已耄耋的王爷。