This system of industries is mounting to a splendor that shall dazzle and illumine the world . 这个工业体系日益发展,将光照人寰,举世瞩目。
I have been young and am now old, yet have i not seen the righteous for sunken, nor his seed begging their bread . 余自弱冠,至今垂暮,迄未见正直之士流离失所,亦未见其子孙沦落人寰。
Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization , the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died 供给不足以及欠缺开辟殖民地的经验使早期边疆开拓者大都因历经苦难而撒手人寰。
Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization , the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies 供给不足以及开辟殖民地经验的欠缺使早期边疆开拓者大都因为遭受苦难而撒手人寰。
In the china traditional culture , moon not only is an illumination this world universal photostar , moreover is the missing synonym 在中国传统文化中,月亮不仅是光照人寰的一个普遍星体,而且是思念的代名词。
The rabbis6 of old put it this way : “ a man comes to this world with his fist clenched , but when he dies , his hand is open 古时犹太教的拉比对此这样诠释: “一个人初降人世时手紧握成拳,撒手人寰时却手掌张开。 ”
The nun died in an attack possibly linked to the violence stemming from the pope ' s remarks of islam earlier this month 该修女在一起袭击中撒手人寰,该袭击事件与教皇本月上旬对伊斯兰教的评论引发的暴力冲突有关。
Welcome and home were mine within this state , whose vales i leave - whose spires fade fast from me and cold must be mine eyes , and heart , and t 亲爱的阿拉巴马,一旦我心灰意冷,那时,我真的告别人寰。在场的人没有几个理解她“真的告别人寰”的含义,不过这首诗还是令人满意的。
An immortal , a sublimed spirrt that people create . actually , there does exist a shangri - la , if not a paradise on earth . here , at xianqiao , we find you the shangri - la 碇步穿水,竹径通幽,天上人语,云间鸡声,说仙乡说人寰都无不可, “桃花源”里的农夫,在山外人看来便是神仙。