| 1. | Speech by the taoiseach at tsinghua university speech by the taoiseach at fudan university 爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨在清华大学发表的讲话 |
| 2. | The taoiseach headed a trade and education delegation of 220 people from irish companies 爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨此次率领了共计220人的商务和教育代表团。 |
| 3. | Speech by the taoiseach bertie ahern on the occasion of premier wens visit to ireland , may 2004 爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨在温家宝总理在2004年5月访问爱尔兰期间发表的讲话 |
| 4. | In january 2005 , the taoiseach prime minister of ireland bertie ahern travelled to china at the invitation of premier wen 2005年1月,爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨应温家宝总理邀请访问中国。 |
| 5. | The exhibition starts in shanghai in early april and continues on to hangzhou in mid - april and arrives in beijing in late april early may . through irish eyes art exhibition 2005年,爱尔兰传统音乐团体“ dervish ”乐队陪同爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨访华,并在北京和上海举行了公开演出。 |
| 6. | The football - mad irish prime minister bertie ahern has not missed a beat as mick mccarthy ' s men battled their way through to the last 16 and at times he has sounded more like a coach than a premier 在麦卡锡带领爱尔兰队一路杀进16强的过程中,同样是铁杆球迷的爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨没有漏掉一场比赛。听起来,他有时更像一位足球教练而不是总理。 |
| 7. | My state visit to china is important to ireland as a unique opportunity to consolidate the ties of friendship and shared interests forged through accelerated contact in the period since the irish taoiseach mr . bertie ahern t . d . , 这次的对华访问对于爱尔兰是非常重要的。在1998年9月,爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨正式访华期间,与中国建立了友谊的纽带,也明确了共同的利益。 |
| 8. | The moore street building ' s proposed designation was announced yesterday by the taoiseach , bertie ahern , who also announced that consideration was being given to the redevelopment of part of the gpo site to mark the centenary of the 1916 rising in 10 years ' time 爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨昨天宣布了把毛街上的建筑指定为国家文物保护单位的提议,他也宣布政府正在考虑恢复邮政总局遗址上的部分建筑,以纪念在10年后1916年起义100周年。 |