On the day , food offerings were traditionally placed at altars set up in old yards . moon cakes were special festival food 在这一天,人们常常照传统习惯将供品陈列于老式庭院里的供桌上。月饼则是中秋节特有的食品。
Sql server compact edition is a powerful , yet lightweight relational database engine that makes it easy to develop desktop applications by supporting familiar structured query language syntax and providing a development model and api consistent with sql server Sql server compact edition是功能强大又轻巧的关联式资料库引擎,可支援常用的结构化查询语言structured query language , sql语法,并提供与sql server一致的研发模式及api ,因此可便于开发供桌上型电脑使用的应用程式。
Sql server 2005 compact edition is a powerful , yet lightweight relational database engine that makes it easy to develop desktop applications by supporting familiar structured query language syntax and providing a development model and api consistent with sql server Sql server 2005 compact edition是功能强大又轻巧的关联式资料库引擎,可支援常用的结构化查询语言structured query language , sql语法,并提供与sql server一致的研发模式及api ,因此可便于开发供桌上型电脑使用的应用程式。