| 1. | Guangxu hui merchants checking accounts and their value 光绪徽商护票及其价值 |
| 2. | The area was restored during the reign of emperor guangxu 光绪年间改建成现在的规模。 |
| 3. | Royal archives of qing dynasty revealing emperor guang xu ' s death 清宫档案揭密光绪之死 |
| 4. | Rise and fall of qing dynasty 成年后的光绪欲励精图治却无法 |
| 5. | Historical resources about the county examination in guangdong province in 光绪癸巳科广东乡试史料下 |
| 6. | An exploration on emperor guangxu ' s death 光绪帝死因之探析 |
| 7. | A discussion on the influence of the disasters in henan during guang xu period 论光绪年间河南灾荒的影响 |
| 8. | In 1905 , the manchu dynasty opened up kunming as commercial port 1905年光绪三十年,清朝把昆明辟为商埠。 |
| 9. | The name plaque " yiheyuan " in front of the gate was written by emperor guang xu 匾额“颐和园”三字为光绪皇帝御题。 |
| 10. | The death of guang xu 光绪之死 |