| 1. | There is silence again . 又冷场了。 |
| 2. | Everybody spoke enthusiastically at the meeting. there were no awkward silences . 会上,大家发言很热烈,没有冷场。 |
| 3. | Pen presently tried to dispel the silence by making a great rattling and noise . 潘为了冲淡这种冷场,便嘻嘻哈哈大声谈笑。 |
| 4. | There was a gloomy and rather guilty silence in the company . 这么一来,那几个人未免有些尴尬,象做贼心虚似的,出现了冷场。 |
| 5. | It was blanche who, when the conversation flagged and the youth's modesty came rushing back and overpowering him, knew how to reanimate her companion . 遇到谈话暂时冷场,或者年轻人的羞怯重又回升占上风的时候,也总是布兰茜为她的舞伴打开僵局。 |
| 6. | He told an interesting story to break the ice 他讲了个有趣的故事以打破冷场。 |
| 7. | A subtle joke is always a good icebreaker 一个巧妙的笑话总能打破冷场的局面。 |
| 8. | What ' s that ? - that ' s a conversational lag -什么意思? -谈话中的冷场 |
| 9. | The funny talk shows hosted by wong chi wah , hong kong s top comedian 6 . “全无冷场”他能不停 |
| 10. | Tim is so outgoing . he ' s always the first one to break the ice at parties 蒂姆善于交际,他在晚会上总是首先打破冷场。 |