Chinese translation for "可变"
- [ kěbiàn ]
 variable; changeable ◇可变比 variable ratio; 可变成本 direct costs; variable costs; 可变电容 variable capacity; variable capacitance; 可变电容器 variable condenser; variable capacitor; variodenser; adjustable capacitor; subdivided capacitor; rotary capacitor; 可变电压 variable voltage; 可变电阻 variable resistance; thyrecotor; sillster; varistor; 可变电阻器 variable resistor; 可变反差 [摄影学] variable-contrast; 可变范围 variable range; 可变费用 variable expenses; 可变负载 variable load; 可变估值 variable evaluation; 可变函数 variable function; 可变汇率 flexible exchange rates; 可变基础利率 flexible prime rate; 可变加速度 variable acceleration; 可变焦距镜头 [光学] variable-focal-length lens; varifocal lens; zoom lens; 可变角 variable angle; 可变结构 varistructure; 可变频率 variable frequency (v.f.); 可变数据 variable data; 可变税额 variable levies; 可变税率 flexible tariff; 可变速度 variable velocity; 可变温度 variable temperature; 可变系数 variable coefficient;可变性 [化学] alterability; variability; variableness; changeability; 可变周期 variable cycle; 可变资本 [经] variable capital
Related Translations:
可变系数: variable coefficient 可变长度: variable areavariable lengthvariable-length 可变光圈: iris apertureiris diaphragmiris ring 可变的: alterablechangeablemutablevar variablevariate 有效可变性: available variability 可变形粒子: deformation particle
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The horizontal anger has a variable pitch . 横向搅龙具有可变的螺距。 | | 2. | One color could supposedly be changed to another . 按推测,某一种颜色可变为另一种颜色。 | | 3. | The human eye has a pupil diameter which, of course, varies . 人眼瞳孔直径当然是可变的。 | | 4. | The times between successive collisions are quite variable . 相继两次碰撞间的时间完全是可变的。 | | 5. | Agriculture is subject to an unusually large number of variables . 农业受到异乎寻常的大量可变因素的影响。 | | 6. | In typical management problems, there is usually a large number of variables . 在典型的管理问题中,通常具有大量的可变量。 | | 7. | Horizontal resistance, being variable in the wild state, can be domesticated . 水平抗性在野生状态下是可变的,它可以驯化。 | | 8. | Both the polarizer and analyzer settings and the position of the prism can be varied . 偏振镜和分析器以及梭镜的位置均可变动。 | | 9. | Both variable orifices and electromagnetic controllers have been used with success . 可变锐孔和电磁流量控制器都已成功地使用。 | | 10. | Charcoal here implies a component with variable properties, not a specific chemical . 木炭是一种具有可变性质而不是具有特定性质的化学药品。 |
- Similar Words:
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