| 1. | Because we both love the same thing , and that is - 因为我们都爱同一样东西,那就是 |
| 2. | I think i would write exactly the way they did it 我想我会照写出同一样的东西来。 |
| 3. | Because we both love the same thing , and that is - - 因为我们都爱同一样东西,那就是. . |
| 4. | Because we both love the same thing , and that is - - 因为我们都爱同一样东西,那就是. . |
| 5. | Everybody seems to be chasing the same thing 每个人都在追求同一样东西 |
| 6. | We are both watching the same thing 我和你在看同一样的东西 |
| 7. | My life was the common kind , with common desires and fears 我的一生曾经与市井无异,有同一样的欲望和恐惧。 |
| 8. | By the same power that brought you so far , that prompted your heart to desire truth and your mind to seek it 那是同一样的力量将你带来世间,促使你内心慕道求真及头脑去寻觅它。 |
| 9. | It is interesting how your perspectives of the same things can be so different when you are in a different mood 虽然是同一样的物事,但当你的心情不同,看出来的却完全是两码子的事。 |
| 10. | His driver was taking him to his next speaking tour and he asked , " rabbi , are you giving them the same speech again ? 司机送他前往下一个演讲场地,对他说:拉比,你会讲同一样的信息,是吗? |