Chinese translation for "塑料"
- [ sùliào ]
 plastics; plastic material; plastomer 短语和例子 氟塑料 fluoroplastics; 工程塑料 engineering plastics; 可塑塑料 an impressionable plastic material; 泡沫塑料 foam plastics; 通用塑料 general-purpose plastics; 塑料台布 a plastic tablecloth; 塑料板 plastic plate; plastic sheet; 塑料薄板 sheet plastic; 塑料薄膜 plastic film; 塑料薄膜育秧 plastic film nursery; 塑料薄膜纸 plastic paper; 塑料厂 plastic molding and processing plant; 塑料车体 plastic car body; 塑料成型 plastic molding and processing; 塑料磁带 plastic-backed magnetic tape; 塑料磁盘 diskette; floppy disc; 塑料袋 plastic bag; 塑料工业 plastics industry; 塑料管 silent stock tube; 塑料混凝土 plastic concrete; 塑料机翼 plastic wing; 塑料胶布带 [电学] plastic adhesive tape; 塑料绝缘电缆 plastic insulated cable; 塑料凉鞋 plastic sandals; 塑料膜 plastic film; 塑料粘结剂 plastic binder; 塑料喷涂 plastic spraying; 塑料热合机 plastic welder; 塑料软管 plastic flexible pipe; 塑料天线 plastic antennas; 塑料添加剂 plastic additive; 塑料填料 plastic filler; 塑料贴面 plastic-face overlays; paper plastic overlays; 塑料贴面(胶合)板 plastic-faced plywood; plastic veneer; 塑料印版 [印刷] plastic (printing) plate; 塑料硬管 plastic rigid pipe; 塑料炸弹 plastic bomb; 塑料制品 plastic product
Related Translations:
生物塑料: biiological plasticsbioplastic 塑料玻璃: pollopasresin glassresinglass
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Why use wood when you can use plastic ? 既然能用塑料,何必非用木料? | | 2. | Plastics will soften when exposed to heat . 塑料适当加热就可以软化。 | | 3. | Fit smoked plastic lenses in spectacles . 把烟色的塑料镜片安在眼镜上。 | | 4. | Then he pulled the plastic knob on it . 于是他拉了拉那上边的一个塑料圆头。 | | 5. | Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine . 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。 | | 6. | These plastic bags have suffocated enough people . 这些塑料袋闷死过不少人。 | | 7. | Reinforced plastics possess many diverse properties . 增强塑料具有多种性能。 | | 8. | Hard plastic enema tips can perforate the rectum . 硬的塑料灌肠嘴会刺破直肠。 | | 9. | A mask is a transparent sheet of plastic . 蒙片是一张覆盖在图版上的透明塑料片。 | | 10. | The plastic blocks infrared rays from sunlight . 这种塑料可以阻挡阳光中的红外线。 |
- Similar Words:
- "塑炼温度" Chinese translation, "塑炼橡胶" Chinese translation, "塑炼用密炼机" Chinese translation, "塑炼周期" Chinese translation, "塑炼作用" Chinese translation, "塑料,塑胶" Chinese translation, "塑料-玻璃叠片" Chinese translation, "塑料o形环" Chinese translation, "塑料,电木" Chinese translation, "塑料,电线和你的吻" Chinese translation