消: 动词1.(消失) disappear; vanish 短语和例子红肿已消。 the swelling has gone down. 他的气消了。 he has cooled down. 云消雾散。the clouds dispersed and the fog lifted. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。 the rumour had to disappear befor
类型: type; mold; form; cut◇类型论 theory of types; 类型语句 [计算机] type statements
增: Ⅰ动词(增加) increase; gain; add 短语和例子倍增 double in amount; 猛增 increase sharply [greatly]; 增减 add or subtract; 增兵 throw in more troops; augment one's forces; reinforce; 产量与日俱增。 output has increa