Yeah , but they get to throw up and develop varicose veins 是啊,而且她们还要忍受孕吐与静脉曲张
About 50 % of the pregnant women have different degrees of morning sickness 大约有50的孕妇有程度不同的孕吐。
It doesn ' t mean that your body isn ' t producing enough hormones , as many believe ; it ' s just that everyone reacts differently to pregnancy 很多人认为没有出现孕吐是因为孕妇体内没有出现足够的激素,其实这是不正确的,你没有出现呕吐的症状是因为每个人对怀孕的反应都不一样。
You ' re more likely to suffer from morning sickness if you have a history of nausea or vomiting from taking birth control pills , if you ' re susceptible to motion sickness or migraine headaches , if you ' re carrying twins or multiples , or if your mother or sisters had morning sickness 如果你曾经在服用避孕药后出现恶心或呕吐的副反应,或者使你属于孕吐或偏头疼易感人群,抑或你怀着双胞胎或多胞胎,还有你的母亲或姐姐也有过孕吐的症状,你出现孕吐的可能性会更高。