No sooner had the controversy within the administration been settled than another more violent storm burst over the country . 政府内部的争吵刚刚解决,另一项更猛烈的风暴就席卷全国。
A severe economic slump swept the country shortly after he came to ( 或 into ) ~ 他上台掌权不久,严重的经济不景气就席卷了全国。
Desdemona . how now , my dear othello ! your dinner , and the generous islanders by you invited , do attend your presence 苔丝狄蒙娜啊,我的亲爱的奥瑟罗!您所宴请的那些岛上的贵人们都在等著您去就席哩。
It doesn t matter how many people die or how much national property has been damaged , they are okay ! they still have enough to eat all the time , and they still live in luxury . they still have their limousine , their private airplane , their bodyguards and whatever else until the last minute perhaps , when they lose 因为战争对他们没什么影响,不论有多少人死掉国家多少资产被破坏,他们还是高枕无忧不愁吃穿,一样过着奢华的生活,坐豪华轿车私人飞机,拥有私人保镳,直到最后一刻当国家快沦陷时,他们就席卷国家所有的财产,然候坐上私人飞机说拜拜。