[ zu?búguò ] 1.(反正) anyway; anyhow; in any event 2.(只不过) only; merely; just 短语和例子 这本词典很有用, 左不过贵了些。 this dictionary is very useful, only it is a bit costly
Related Translations:
这本词典很有用左不过贵了些: this dictionary is very useful only it is a bit costly
Example Sentences:
There is a sameness about all these tales. they 're so stereotyped -- all about talented scholars and lovely ladies . 这些书就是一套子,左不过是些才子佳人,最没趣儿。
All the rest is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys 其他左不过是学生们之间的空想而已。 ”
A corpse is meat gone bad 尸体嘛,左不过是变了质的肉。
A jester at the court of his master , indulged and disesteemed , winning a clement master s praise 左不过是主人宫廷里的一名弄臣,既被纵容又受到轻视,博得宽厚的主人一声赞许而已。
A merchant , stephen said , is one who buys cheap and sells dear , jew or gentile , is he not “商人嘛, ”斯蒂芬说, “左不过是贱买贵卖。犹太人也罢,非犹太人也罢,都一个样儿,不是吗? ”
His stephen s mind was not exactly what you would call wandering but a bit unsteady and on his expressed desire for some beverage to drink mr bloom , in view of the hour it was and there being no pumps of vartry water available for their ablutions , let alone drinking purposes , hit upon an expedient by suggesting , off the reel , the propriety of the cabman s shelter , as it was called , hardly a stonesthrow away near butt bridge , where they might hit upon some drinkables in the shape of a milk and soda or a mineral 他斯蒂芬的精神虽还说不上是错乱,但不大稳定。当他表示想喝点儿什么的时候,布卢姆先生考虑到在这个时刻,连洗手用的瓦尔特里2水泵都找不到,饮用的水就更说不上了。他猛然想出个应急办法,提出不如到离巴特桥左不过一箭之遥的那家通称“马车夫棚”的店铺去,兴许还能喝上杯牛奶苏打水或矿泉水呢。