Chinese translation for "平面"
- [ píngmiàn ]
 plane; two dimensions; flat surface ◇平面多边形 plane polygon; 平面几何(学) plane geometry; 平面精研机 surface lapping machine; 平面镜 [物理学] plane mirror; 平面磨床 [工业] surface-grinding machine;flat grinder;平面三角(学) plane trigonometry; 平面图 planimetric map; plan; plane figure; [数学] planar graph
Related Translations:
支承平面: su orting planesupporting plane 截肢平面: amputation knifeamputation level 复数平面: argand-diagramm argand plane; argand diagramcomplex number planecomplex planegaussian plane 无限平面: infinite plateinfinite-piston
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The plane is two dimensional in points . 平面在点几何中是二维的。 | | 2. | In plan, they may be amoeba-shaped . 在平面中,他们可能呈不规则的曲线形。 | | 3. | In plan, they may be amoeba-shaped . 在平面中,它们可能是不规则的曲线形。 | | 4. | The n vertical planes are called diagonal plane . N个竖直的平面叫做等分面。 | | 5. | In plane, they are about equidimensional . 在平面中,他们大体在各个方面等距。 | | 6. | He then treated the evolute of a plane curve . 然后他讨论了平面曲线的渐屈线。 | | 7. | The graph k1 is hence nonplanar . 于是,图K1是非平面的。 | | 8. | All the orbits lie nearly in the same plane . 所有物体的轨道几乎都在同一平面上。 | | 9. | We shall consider the case of a flat substrate first . 我们首先考虑平面基底的情况。 | | 10. | We shall use it to demonstrate the nonplanarity of k5 . 我们用它来揭示K5的非平面性。 |
- Similar Words:
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