| 1. | Afternoon : hanshin department store , isetan department store 路线三:怀古文化之旅 |
| 2. | Itinerary no . 3 : snack on history , gorge on shop ping 路线三:怀古文化之旅 |
| 3. | The bosom thou that reads liu yu xi sings the epic 解读刘禹锡的怀古咏史诗 |
| 4. | Wang anshi ' s poems of praising the history and meditating the past 王安石的咏史怀古诗 |
| 5. | Feelings to marquis wu in the history poetry in tang dynasty 唐代咏史怀古诗中的武侯情结 |
| 6. | Itinerary 3 : snack on history , gorge on shopping 路线三:怀古文化之旅 |
| 7. | On late - ming literati ruan dacheng ' s degeneration 阮大铖怀古诗论略 |
| 8. | A cultural interpretation of poems recalling antiquity in the tang dynasty 唐代怀古诗之文化解读 |
| 9. | The comment of du mu ' s poems on history 杜牧咏史怀古诗中的议论 |
| 10. | Shen yue , jiang yan and tao yuan - ming 陶渊明诗文中的怀古情结 |