| 1. | Fifth , the effects of negative karma will be reduced 第五一切恶业的果报都会减轻。 |
| 2. | There are lots of stories about bad karma 关于恶业的故事很多。 |
| 3. | Avoidance of non - virtues , reincarnation and karma 50 stanzas of guru devotion 如何免造恶业轮回及业果之开示 |
| 4. | Having done no evil action , from where will suffering touch me 因此就算造作了这种无意的恶业,任何的苦恼又如何能加之于我呢? |
| 5. | If you hurt someone , which is bad karma , you too will be hurt sometime in the future 如果您伤害某人,也就是恶业,您在未来某个时候同样会遭伤害。 |
| 6. | If we die in a positive frame of mind , we can improve our next birth , despite our negative karma 如果死亡时心存正念,可改善我们的下一世,即使此生曾经造下恶业。 |
| 7. | And you are offering to the ghosts , and hungry ghosts , then also the special being that you have negative karma with , like karmic debt to pay 4供养诸鬼魂及饿鬼道,同时特别供养那些我们对他欠了恶业的债主。 |
| 8. | The definition of mantra is " that which protects the mind . " that which protects the mind from negativity , or which protects you from your own mind , is mantra 咒语的定义是“心灵的护卫者” ,凡护卫心灵不造恶业,或免于受欲心所控制的都称为咒语。 |
| 9. | Ignorance and perverted thoughts bring bad karma . laziness and negligence ruin careers . blaming yourself is useless . whining and blaming others makes things worse 愚痴邪见即是自造恶业;懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程;自怨自艾终究于事无补;怨天尤人只会更加坏事。 |
| 10. | It is also the only practice available in buddhism to purify extreme negative karma of the five heinous crimes that would have normally guaranteed extreme retribution in hell 同时?的法门也是教法中唯一能够净化众生因犯五大不可赦罪所造的极大恶业堕入无间地狱。 |