Chinese translation for "惊恐 "
[ jīngkǒng ] alarmed and panicky; terrified; panic-stricken; seized with terror 短语和例子 人们开始对霍乱感到惊恐起来。 people began to feel alarmed about the cholera. 她成了神经过敏的人, 听见一点点声响就惊恐不安。 she has become a bundle of nerves, starting at the slightest sound Related Translations:惊恐症 : paranoid fearsparanoidfears
惊恐的 : horrorstruckscareytrepid
不胜惊恐 : be in a blue fearbe in a blue funk
非常惊恐 : have one's heart in one's bootshave one's heart in one's mouth be badly frightened
惊恐失色 : pale with fear 短语和例子她突然被吓得惊恐失色。 she turned pale with sudden fear
Example Sentences: 1. My sense of alarm thus dispelled . 这样一来,我的惊恐 感就被排除了。 2. They were alarmed by a sudden air attack . 突然空袭使他们大为惊恐 。 3. Still, i don't want to alarm jane unduly . 我还是不愿意让简过分惊恐 。 4. I'm terrified of all these perfections . 我对这种完美无缺感到惊恐 。 5. I saw with consternation that she was in tears . 我惊恐 地看到她泪流满面。 6. The fire alarmed the whole neighbourhood . 火灾使整个街坊邻里都惊恐 起来。 7. She regarded him with amazement unconcealed . 她对他表示了掩饰不住的惊恐 。 8. People began to feel alarmed about the cholera .. 人们开始对霍乱感到惊恐 起来。 9. She turned pale with sudden fear . 她突然被吓得惊恐 失色。 10. Her face worked as she stared at him in terror . 她惊恐 地注视着他,脸也吓得抽动起来。
Similar Words: "惊惧之城" Chinese translation , "惊惧之泪" Chinese translation , "惊惧之泪合唱团" Chinese translation , "惊惧骤起" Chinese translation , "惊觉反应" Chinese translation , "惊恐,污秽与邪恶" Chinese translation , "惊恐,忧虑" Chinese translation , "惊恐、污秽、邪恶" Chinese translation , "惊恐的" Chinese translation , "惊恐的叫声" Chinese translation