be bent solely on profit; be intent on nothing but profit; interested only in material gain; profit-grabbing; put profit-making first; try to turn everything to one's own advantage; with the profit motive paramount; work exclusively for profit
There is no virtue the heart of a mercenary man 惟利是图者,心中无美德。
Mercenary little prick . - y ou ' ve met him 惟利是图的小人-你遇到他了
- mercenary little prick . - y ou ' ve met him -惟利是图的小人-你遇到他了
From that point of view , it is less mercenary and money - oriented compared with a normal market 从那个角度讲,跟普通市场相比它没有那么惟利是图和金钱至上。
“ what upsets me the most is that some people called me a mercenary who was only out for cash “最另我伤心的是一些人喊我是一个只会追逐金钱的惟利是图的人。
It strikes me as dull , and stupid , and mercenary , and tricky . anyway i am not adapted for it 我对它缺乏感情,总觉得它枯燥愚蠢惟利是图诡计多端,怎么也适应不了。
Any company , if it is run with only profit in mind regardless of morality , is bound to be chased out of business 任何一家公司,如果其经营惟利是图、不顾道义的话,注定要从该行业中被挤出去。
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 随处可见且极具攻击型的西方安全保卫组织激怒了很多伊拉克人,他们认为这些保安组织惟利是图,在他们的国土上蹂躏自己的同胞。
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 现实情况是,那些好斗的西方保安承包人员已经激怒了很多伊拉克人,他们把这些人认为是惟利是图在他们自己的国家欺压在他们的武装分子。
The presence of so many visible , aggressive western security contractors has angered many iraqis , who consider them a mercenary force that runs roughshod over people in their own country 如今伊拉克到处可见这些富有侵略性的西方保安公司,这让伊拉克人非常的愤怒。他们觉得这些惟利是图的公司在他们自己的国土上用铁蹄践踏他们。