| 1. | Sowing the seeds of truth in sarasota 在莎拉索塔撒播真理的种子 |
| 2. | A team of researchers led by vincent janik of the university of st 为了找到答案,科学家们研究了生活在美国佛罗里达州萨拉索塔海湾的一些海豚。 |
| 3. | Pioneering tv journalist and timex watch pitchman john cameron swayze died in sarasota , florida , at age 89 电视新闻先驱者兼时代之音播音员约翰.卡梅伦在美国佛罗里达州西部城市-萨拉索塔逝世! |
| 4. | The says only about one - third of the school districts in florida may answer a call for proposals by october first 萨拉索塔先驱论坛报说佛罗里达只有大约1 / 3的教学区会在10月1日前做出回应作为申请。 |
| 5. | Below is a synopsis of an article from the december 25 , 2003 edition of the sarasota herald tribune , florida , usa 本文乃节录自美国佛州萨拉索塔先驱论坛sarasota herald tribune于12月25日所刊登的文章。 |
| 6. | The sarasota herald - tribune says only about one - third of the school districts in florida may answer a call for proposals by october first 萨拉索塔的《先驱论坛报》指出只有1 / 3的佛罗里达学区可能在10月1日遵循这个提议。 |
| 7. | The sarasota herald - tribune says only about one - third of the school districts in florida may answer a call for proposals by october first 《萨拉索塔先驱论坛报》说到10月1日,弗罗里达州只有三分之一的学区通过电话回应了关于对这个计划的意见。 |
| 8. | Hundreds of people sampled tasty vegetarian foods provided by sarasota restaurants , as well as scrumptious fare from the supreme master ching hai international association 与会的数百位来宾品尝了由莎拉索塔餐厅及清海无上师世界会所提供的各式美味素食佳肴。 |
| 9. | Burnett , a staffer from the lomax foundation , and a reporter for the sarasota herald tribune , managed to track down carter using the newspaper ' s databases 是lomax基金会的一名编辑兼萨拉索塔先驱论坛报的记者,他通过搜索该报的数据库,终于发现了有关卡特的记录。 |
| 10. | The shows during the big - top era were a logistical miracle , moving around 700 animals and about 1500 workers and performers each day from town to town by railroad 美国佛罗里达州萨拉索塔约翰和梅波润格林艺术博物馆的提波兹学习中心,主要展览十九世纪末至二十世纪初马戏篷表演的丰富历史。 |