| 1. | He is temperate in food and drink . 他进食有度。 |
| 2. | Mr. hall was naturally an abstemious man indifferent to luxury . 霍尔先生天生是个饮食有度,不爱奢侈的人。 |
| 3. | While lady elliot lived, there had been method, moderation, and economy . 埃利奥特夫人在世的时候,家里管理得有条有理,需求有度,节省开销。 |
| 4. | Moorel's habitual gravity, as well as his abstemiousness has so far recommended him to mrs. yorke . 穆尔素来行事稳重而且饮食有度,这一向得到约克夫人的称许。 |
| 5. | When plots of equal size are compared, the corresponding percent occurrence for a taxon is named "constancy" . 如果进行比较的是相同面积的样地,一个种出现的相应百分比就称为“恒有度”。 |
| 6. | The most poisonous three - letter word is " ego " . kill it 最有度的三个字母单词是: “自我” 。除掉它。 |
| 7. | Tom : you must be . so , do you have any plans for a honeymoon yet 汤姆?一定的啊。那么, ?有度蜜月的计划吗? |
| 8. | The new entrepreneurial culture encourages the “ loose and tight ” environment 新型的企业文化鼓励“张驰有度”的企业环境。 |
| 9. | He is not one of those coaches that changes the player to fit the system 当我们有度身订做的球员时,我比较喜欢我们两年前所用的4 - 3 - 3阵式。 |
| 10. | Vary the speed and pitch of your voice to avoid monotony and to make your presentation seem more dynamic 语速要张弛有度,语调要抑扬顿挫,这样会使你的演讲更加生动活泼,避免单调乏味。 |