when the river rises the boat floats high.; a ship rises with the tide -- a person's social rise benefits those related to him.; when water rises, the boat rises with it.; particular things improve with the improvement of the general situation
Example Sentences:
By that time the river had lifted us a little, so that we could see above the bank . 这时候,水涨船高,我们可以看得见岸上的风光了。
A rising tide lifts all boats , but not all spirits 水涨船高,但并不能带动所有人情绪的提升。
One hundred famous big name , value whether " things " 百道名菜名气大了,身价会否“水涨船高” ?
Expectaions are always being raised for yao and there ' s nothing wrong with that 对姚明的期望总是水涨船高,这也没什么错。
No . : buying year witnessed the shanghai property market rises fail to understand 纪实:买房一年间见证上海楼市水涨船高看不懂!
It is easy to assume , with globalisation , that a rising tide lifts all boats 人们总是简单假设,随着全球化进程,所有人的财富都会如同水涨船高般增长。
As the production of almonds has grown , the prices that the beekeepers can charge for their pollination services have increased 随着杏仁产量的增加,养蜂人提供授粉服务收取的费用也水涨船高。
As the nation ' s health care costs soar ever skyward , the competition from low - priced generics adds essential ballast 随著美国对医疗卫生的支出水涨船高,低价的学名药带来的竞争起了制衡的作用。
Nelson , 20 , of lawton , okla . , is a student at the university of central oklahoma and wants to get her master ' s degree in musical theater 随着在“美国小姐”比赛中夺冠,百老汇明日之星劳伦?尼尔森今后参加活动的出场费也将水涨船高。
As the development of high - technology , it is not curious that the new immigrators have higher salary and bigger apartment of their own 随着美国高科技的发展,水涨船高的薪金,享有宽大的住房,搬入所谓“高尚贵族”区,再也不足为奇。