| 1. | The fbi was started under teddy roosevelt by attorney general charles bonaparte . 联帮调查局是在特迪罗斯福领导下由司法部长查理波拿巴创建的。 |
| 2. | And he talks of bonapartes being in brunovo 可是他硬说波拿巴驻扎在布鲁诺沃啊! |
| 3. | They say hes running away in great disorder 据闻波拿巴溃乱不堪,正在仓皇逃命中。 |
| 4. | Your fellow - countryman , bonaparte , became emperor . 你的同乡波拿巴还做了皇帝呢。 ” |
| 5. | What about " bonaparte ' s retreat " ? that ' s one i play , "波拿巴的败退"怎样?这个我经常拉 |
| 6. | Bonaparte was born with a silver spoon in his mouth “波拿巴生来有福分。 |
| 7. | Don ' t forget it was born under bonaparte 别忘了它是在波拿巴时代诞生的 |
| 8. | Not bonaparte . he is the emperor “不是波拿巴,是皇帝啊! |
| 9. | Napoleon bonaparte shed much blood in his european wars 拿破伦?波拿巴在他的欧洲战争中使人民血流成河。 |
| 10. | You stood nearer . they did say bonaparte himself was in brunovo 人家老是说,波拿巴本人就驻扎在布鲁诺沃。 ” |